Sunday, July 10, 2016

I hope you're enjoying these cooking posts on the blog lately...I know this is the second one in a row, and I'm sure I'll get back to the beauty stuff soon, but this is the type of content I've felt like posting lately.

I was on the mission for the longest time to find the perfect banana bread recipe. My friend brought these to a potluck once and I instantly knew they were the best banana muffins I had ever had. I haven't tried to make them into a loaf of banana bread, because the mini-muffin version is just so good that I don't want to mess with it. I hope you enjoy this step-by-step recipe!

Get yourself some over-ripe 'nanners...

Mash 'em up with a fork.

Add some melted buttah.

along with some sugar and an egg...

and mix until smooth.

add some baking powder

and baking soda

and salt.

Add a splash of vanilla...because it feels right.

Mix just until combined - it's ok if there are lumps!

Get out your baking pan of choice - you can use a loaf pan, or any size muffin pan, but my favorite is this mini-muffin tin.

Hey look! It's Pam! No, not your friend Pam, don't get too excited. 
Grease the baking pan with whatever you choose - could be vegetable oil, melted butter, but I chose Pam today. Because she looked lonely.

Now is my moment to remind you that while these photos look pretty, the process of baking is not. And that's ok!

Get out your tool of choice to divide the batter among the muffin tins - I like to use this handy mini-ice cream scoop.

Put them in the oven to bake...

Look at that. It's like magic.

Aren't they beautiful?


The original recipe can be found here.

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